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Spectacular Success: Qinglong Waterproof's 2023 Brand Promotion Event at Haikou Railway Station!

Published: 2023-11-01 09:29Views:

The challenges in the real estate market, economic uncertainties, and global competition are affecting our business. Are you concerned and looking for solutions to navigate economic ups and downs, overcome business obstacles, and grow our revenue consistently?

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The Qinglong Waterproof Brand Promotion Meeting in Haikou on October 26, 2023, provides valube insights.

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Despite limited time, resources, and personnel, the Qinglong team's proactive efforts led to a successful event. However, the Qinglong team fully demonstrated their proactive approach, working diligently to overcome various challenges and achieving a complete success. Whether it's the number of participants, order quantities, intended cooperation, or the rekindling of the Qinglong festival spirit, it was a stunning event, often referred to as the "Qinglong Festival" of Haikou.

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Rich Content Combined with Educational Entertainment

This Haikou ordering conference fully utilized the advantages of previous Qinglong Festival, rich content, and appropriately achieved the combination of educational entertainment. Qinglong SongDunQing chairman of the board of directors, Hainan waterproof association DengXihua president, Hainan waterproofing association expert committee GaoDeZai director as well as the Qinglong waterproofing Hainan general distribution DengGeneral manager, east and south China area director LiuGeneral, technical engineers MoGong, offline distribution ZhangManager were on the stage with everyone to carry on a wonderful sharing, tell everyone how to break the economic cycle, improve skills, change the mode of operation, professional and unique explanation improve The professional and unique speech improved everyone's anti-risk awareness and ability.

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Qinglong Festival on the grabbing money games, passionate lottery, smashing cylinder test, paddle river competition and specialty product experience, etc., also one by one with the guests in Haikou experience.

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In addition, in order to encourage and honor the local Qinglong fans in Haikou, there was also a special live auction and the awarding of "excellent Qinglong craftsmen", which strengthened their confidence and sense of honor to grow together with Qinglong.

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After the conference, Chairman Song also had a live broadcast with Mr. Peng, explaining the market operation and the planning and expectation of the company, so that the Friends who were not present at the conference could enjoy some benefits and useful information.

The atmosphere of the event was strong and the orders were full

During the event, Haikou distributor Mr. Peng and other Qinglong people were unanimously recognized and trusted for their considerate and meticulous services, exquisite gifts, generous prizes and powerful promotions. Especially, the money-grabbing game and several rounds of lucky draws gave back to everyone with real money, which made everyone believe in the strength and sincerity of Qinglong brand even more, and placed orders immediately without any hesitation.

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The guests also actively and passionately placed orders to purchase Qinglong waterproofing products for home furnishings, and the on-site order quickly reached the predetermined 300,000 yuan, with a strong atmosphere of rush purchasing.

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After the meeting, Mr. Peng said that the success of the ordering conference made him feel the great charm of Qinglong brand and the great potential of waterproofing and leakage market. The next step will be to continue to expand the distribution channels, dig customer points attraction, sincere service, but also to join hands with more customers, together to make money and grow bigger together!The team is well-prepared and cooperative

The team is well-prepared and cooperative

The success of the ordering meeting is the result of the team's sincere cooperation and thorough preparation. Before the ordering conference, Director Liu of Qinglong and Mr. Peng, the distributor, made meticulous and considerate preparations, from the venue booking, personnel arrangements, guest invitations, speech arrangements, on-site planning and other detailed process planning.

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All members have obeyed the instructions according , play the initiative. Everyone throughthe WeChat circle of friends, WeChat group, the same city and other networks to publish online invitations and telephone invitations, while offline street sweeping, friends invited, posted advertisements and publicity, will be the activities of the information released. So that more building materials in Haikou or waterproofing and leaking peer industry information, to be able to enter the time to participate in the conference.

It is also in everyone's sincere cooperation, close coordination of the unity of the atmosphere, all thework is carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations, organized, and more without messthus making the entire order will achieve unprecedented success.

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Expand distribution to expand the business mode

Qinglong company emphasizes to do waterproofing and leakage must be built first channel, a city to build at least 100 terminal stores 

channel before doing waterproofing and leakageengineering services, to achieve the three-legged walk business pattern. Through these 

terminal stores continue to fission, attract traffic, sales products and access to leakage 

engineeringinformation to ensure that the waterproofing and leakage services business is sustainable and risk-resistant.

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Any contracted dealers, as long as to meet the conditions reached by the two sides, can be negotiated through the two sides of the centralized mode of operation, within a month to help dealers simply and quickly reach the two sides to determine the expected goal of not less than 100 terminal stores channel, which is a win-win pattern.

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Full of content, wonderful program, so that everyone in local will be able to re-learning and feel the Qinglong Festival full of  goods, 

enjoy the exciting and happy program. 

Admittedly, the current industry environment is not optimistic, a variety of unfavorable factors superimposed so that many of our smalland medium-sized building materials bosses revenue growth is weak, and many people are living in a store than the widow's plight. 

However, as longas we go deep into the market demand, pulse customer pain points, change the business modelrealize 

the three-pronged approach, we will be able to do bigger and stronger! The success of Qinglong Haikou ordering conference has given 

us a complete answer! Are you also lookingforward to a local 

"Qinglong Festival" ordering conference? We welcome your participation and reservation!
