Qinglong Waterproofing Malaysia
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Ensure no leaks with Qinglong Waterproof GRC Insulation.

Published: 2024-07-26 15:11Views:

Weak areas in waterproof engineering often have stress concentration, settlement deformation, and other issues that easily lead to waterproof layer failure. To enhance waterproof capability and extend service life, we need to set up reinforced waterproof layers in these areas.

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The waterproof reinforcement layer generally adopts the 'one fabric, three coatings' process, where 'fabric' refers to non-woven fabric, and 'three coatings' include the base coat, second coat, and third coat. This process can fully utilise the tensile crack resistance of the non-woven fabric, effectively resisting the tension caused by concrete thermal expansion and contraction, and base layer deformation, as well as water intrusion, through tight connection with the building base surface.

The specific steps of the 'one fabric, three coatings' construction include the following aspects:

  • First, apply the base coat. After selecting the starting coating position, use a bristle brush to apply it horizontally, controlling the thickness to about 0.3 mm-0.5 mm.

  • Next, evenly lay the cut non-woven fabric on the first waterproof layer, and use a brush to smooth out the wrinkles in the non-woven fabric, applying it with the lap method.

  • Then, apply the second and third coats vertically until the coating is uniform and firmly bonded to the base layer.

  • Finally, check whether the surface of the waterproof coating layer is smooth and uniform. There should be no defects such as flow, wrinkles, bubbles, exposed fabric, or lifted edges. The average thickness of the coating should meet the design requirements, with the minimum thickness not less than 80% of the design thickness.

By strictly following the 'one fabric, three coatings' process, we can add an additional reinforced waterproof layer in waterproof engineering, thereby improving waterproof capability and service life and ensuring project quality and safety. Have you learned the 'one fabric, three coatings' process?
